Auralite 28™ Energy Products Inc. - Health and wellness energy products
Auralite 28™ Energy Products Inc. - Health and wellness energy products
With cushion sitting on a chair and begin meditation with 5 slow deep breathing. Recommended long term benefit - Slowly and Surely. Best result for meditation with at least 15 minutes. No limit for duration, and no limit for number of days. Takes one month to one year to feel improvement. (More energy, better movement, improve metabolism, improve cells, etc.)
A1: 擦雙手五十次
A2: 搖擺雙手五十次
A3: 對碰觸手指頭五十次
A4: 交差手指五十次
A5: 交差拇指和食指之間五十次
A6: 握著拳頭,雙對適中擂擊五十次
A7: 轉動手臂內向九十度,適中擂擊五十次
A8: 轉拳頭向上,適中擂擊五十次
A9: 扭曲手腕,適中擂擊脈搏點五十次
A10: 伸直左手臂,以右手掌刀適中力度,以掌刀順序擊打左手臂五處部位. 隋著轉為右手臂 . . . . . 同樣動作
A11: 擂打左手臂由上至下八個部位,重複五次,隋著轉為擂打右手臂. . . . . 同樣動作
A12: 舉起左手,以右手擂打左手腋窩二十次,隋著轉為舉起右手,以左手擂打右手腋窩二十次
Stand still on the cushion, bend your knees 15 to 30 degrees, put one hand on the tummy, the other hand below, hold for 10 to 60 minutes
站穩在坐墊上,彎曲膝蓋十五至三十度, 放一手掌在肚腹上, 放另外一手掌在肚腹下,維持著十至六十分鐘
B2: 站穩在坐墊上,提升左右手上下五十次
B3: 站穩在坐墊上,左右出拳各二十五次
B4: 站穩在坐墊上,扭曲手腕,以左右手分別轉側擂打身前和背後,各五十次
B5: 站穩在坐墊上,以眼睛跟隨著左右手背泳手法,各五十次
B6: 站穩在坐墊上,提高雙手時吸氣,放下雙手時呼氣;繼續二十次
B7: 站穩在坐墊上,在左右兩旁提高雙手時吸氣,放下雙手時呼氣;繼續二十次
B8: 站穩在坐墊上,張開雙手時吸氣,收回雙手時呼氣;繼續二十次。
B9: 運動完畢收功,搓手二十次
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